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Social Circle Home Page Website

青文字K HP


This is a website for a futsal circle for working people.
Targeting adults in their 20s and 30s in Kumamoto, we created this website to "attract customers" and "increase awareness of the circle".

Customized the design and added animations using "the thor", a paid theme for WordPress.
Improved SEO by reviewing the internal structure and content of articles by installing and monitoring tags for site analysis.
Installed contact form using "ContactForm7" plugin.
Added code for Instagram, YouTube, and ad embedding

[SEO Achievements]
Achieved No.1 position in Google search for "Kumamoto Futsal Circle
Achieved No.1 position in Google search for "Kumamoto Futsal Circle
(Excluding circle bulletin board summary sites)

[Conversion Results]
Sent 31 inquiries via inquiry form (total period: August 2021 - September 2022)

Scope of Responsibility

Planning, WordPress construction (modification of existing themes), article writing, operation and maintenance

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